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Distance Teaching & Learning: Writing Instruction PART 2

Formation 1h

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Learn some best practices of writing instruction and how to adapt them for remote teaching. Walk away with resources to explore as well!

Writing may be the most difficult subject to teach at a distance. What are the best practices for writing instruction and how can those be adapted to online teaching and learning? We will explore these practices together focusing on CONFERRING and THE WRITING PROCESS.

This is the PART 2 of a two part series.


Burdge Ellen

Mlf America

Pedagogical Advisor


 Nombre de participants


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  • Cycle 2
  • Cycle 3


  • Arts
  • Langues
  • Lettres et sciences humaines
  • Sciences et technologie
  • Mathématiques
  • EPS
  • Éducation aux médias et à l'information
  • Éducation à la citoyenneté
  • Continuité pédagogique