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Q&A + Resources; Gr. 6-12 Teachers (offered in English)

Formation 1h

 Limite d'inscription

Ask your questions, share answers and resources with Gr. 6-12 teachers from locations around the world

This session will be the second in a series of sessions dedicated to online learning and the tools that make it work. Please join us! Let’s learn together. All sessions will be offered in English.

March 23 & 24: Structuring Online Learning: Gr. 6-12 Teachers (the same session offered twice, pick one) 1pm EST

March 25: Q&A + Resources; Gr. 6-12 Teachers; 1pm EST


Deep Dive into the Teacher Toolbox (PK-12 together; all deep dives @ 11am EST)

March 30: HyperDocs

March 31: Video Interaction

April 1: Check for Understanding

April 2: Q&A Gr. 6-12 Teachers Only; 1pm EST

April 6:  Explain an Idea

April 7:  Create and Apply

April 8:  Provide Feedback

April 9: Q&A Gr. 6-12 Teachers Only; 1pm EST

April 13: Constructing Knowledge

April 14: Differentiating Instruction

April 15: Library Resources

April 16: Q&A Gr. 6-12 Teachers Only; 1pm EST


Burdge Ellen

MLF America

Pedagogical Advisor


 Nombre de participants


 Places disponibles





  • Cycle 3
  • Cycle 4
  • Lycée


  • Arts
  • Langues
  • Lettres et sciences humaines
  • Sciences et technologie
  • Mathématiques
  • EPS
  • Éducation aux médias et à l'information
  • Continuité pédagogique